Monday 7 March 2011

The first blog post

Okay, so where to start. Today I'm looking around my house and wondering what natural disaster caused it to be the way it is, and then I hear my 21 month old scream and I snap back to reality. The reality is, it seems that I just can't keep up with him. He gets into one thing and before we can even get that cleaned up he is dumping his next bin of toys. It is a never ending cycle and at times I just feel like giving up. Today is one of those days. A week ago we got a new puppy, a beautiful yellow lab who we named Lily. She has quickly become part of our family. Today however she has decided that she is going to chew and destroy anything that gets in her path. So far I caught her dragging my son down the road by his bum, chewing on my coffee table and attempting to rip apart my favorite slippers. At times I just have to take a step back and laugh at the chaos of my normal every day life. I adore being a mom and I truly believe that there is no greater job on earth. Being a mom is hard work but everyday that you get to share with your little one makes it all worthwhile. The smiles, the laughs, the hugs and the kisses, it makes you smile not only on the outside but on the inside as well. Today's challenges are just part of it. Colby has a mind of his own and my own mother often tells me that he is so much like me. She also says that payback is a bitch. I honestly don't know how she made it out of the younger years with her sanity in check. I often question mine on days like today. Colby has already dumped many of his toys in the living room, colored on the table because he said "no paper", threw most of his lunch on the floor and then dumped his bowl of yogurt in his lap, and absolutely refuses to nap. Hmmm....makes me want to have a nice cup of Tazo Tea and curl up with a good book, but it is only 3:45 and I still have to make supper, clean up, give him a bath, spend time with my husband, take the dog for at least one more walk, prepare for tomorrow, and then by the time I am finished all of that, the only thing I am going to want to do is go to sleep. All of that aside, I wouldn't change any of it. Okay well maybe the part about the dog dragging him down the street (it was slightly funny, even he was laughing) and the dumping of the yogurt but really today is going alright. Chaotic yes, but that is my life. Oh no, I better run, I hear Colby empting the dishwasher!

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